English Cream Goldendoodles in California & Utah

F1 Mini goldendoodles & F1B Mini goldendoodles
F1 Mini English Cream Goldendoodles are a Mini poodle breed to an English cream golden retriever. The mini goldendoodle puppies will Likely be 25–35 pounds. They are a great companion for someone with mild allergies.
F1b Mini English Goldendoodle puppies are an F1 English goldendoodle bred back to a mini poodle. They will Likely be 25–35 pounds. They are a great companion for someone with severe allergies.
English Cream Goldendoodles are a healthier breed than a typical goldendoodle. English cream retrievers are proven to have better genetics, life span, and overall health than that of a typical golden retriever. Mini Goldendoodles are friendly companions that get along with everyone. They are great with children and other family pets due to their gentle, loving, and incredible personality.
Our Mini Goldendoodle breeder breeds them with two of the smartest dogs in the world, which makes them highly intelligent and obedient dogs. Adopt Goldendoodle puppies from Utah because they are ideal candidates for service and therapy dog training in California. To see current and past litters see our Instagram.
Coloring: Our puppies will range in color of English cream, apricot, and red.
We accept a non refundable deposit of $500 that goes toward the total price of your puppy. To get on our waitlist you can call, text, or email. We like to know a little about you as well before you send in your deposit. To see what your puppy will come with click here
For families out of state we can FaceTime or Skype when picking out your puppy. We do a one time delivery to Nevada and California when our puppies are 8 weeks old for $200. Shipping is available to other states.